I could NOT believe my eyes, what was once a beautiful canopy of shade trees, vines, bushes, and ground cover was gone. The shelter of the Majestic Oaks is gone! I ran with my bestie and I kept saying, “Margaret I cannot believe this, this is so sad. It is unrecognizable.” As we ran the […]

Becoming Featured, Priceless Featured, Priceless Whats New, Uncategorized

July 2, 2024

Maybe it’s Tragedy…

April 3, 2024

I used to not like the worship song “Echo.” I thought it was silly. I think it was the word “Echo” and the techno beat, I just couldn’t get into it.  But then I heard an acoustic version and the words snatched me. “In every season, You keep repeating Promises to me, Now there’s no […]

I’ve Decided I’m Not Giving Up… 

There has been a drought all summer, as I have run over what used to be Scary Snake Swamp turned into Dry Ground Gorge. All summer the ground has been cracked and dry without a drop of water.  Without water, there are no snakes. As I watched this dry ground this summer it reminded me […]

Becoming Featured, Priceless Whats New

October 24, 2022

Sever the Suffering

May 19, 2022

To some, it comes easy, to others it is a struggle. I am a grown woman that has to be careful to not fall back into tying my worth to what I do, my accomplishments, my fantastic behavior, and how many books I read . The narrative that goes like this, “I do well at […]

Because I am Breathing- I Am Worthy

As I ran on our beautiful pathfinder today, I took in the new sights of Spring arriving. The birds’ songs have become loud and vociferous, as blue jays, cardinals, and scissor tails, swoop, and dance from the tree branches. I heard a woodpecker overhead, a fantastic, intriguing sound, that everyone should get the privilege to […]

Becoming Featured, Priceless Whats New

April 12, 2022

When it is Time, it is Time

March 2, 2022

I was so excited, I downloaded the Trail Link app and was exploring new trails around Grandma French’s house. I did 5 miles on the Cricket Frog Trail on Tuesday and was looking forward to the Rockdale River Trail today. It was raining and I decided I was going to go anyway. I started at […]

Own Your Walk Of Pain

I ran today after over two months of nursing a sprained ankle. If you read my blog “Own your walk of pain,” it tells the whole story. The temperatures turned this week, and it was glorious outside today. Seventy-One degrees and March 1, 2022, I’ll take it! After not running for two months, uh you […]

Becoming Featured, Priceless Whats New

March 2, 2022

Necessary Pain

December 23, 2021

I was having a crabby day. Feeling disappointed in life about a few things and knew it was just one of those days, a day to just let myself feel without falling too deep. I decided I needed a run to get my oxytocin pumping. And I needed to share with a few people how […]

Run With Your Hair Down

Non-Essential…I run on the Pathfinder Bartlesville, Ok amongst the trees, and realized how much I need them, how they serve me and keep me alive. As I pondered all the ways in which our climate, animals, wind, sea, sky, stars, magnetic poles all interact with each other, I was hit with a truth that I […]

Becoming Featured, Priceless Whats New

October 28, 2021


September 11, 2021

Joy, a Priceless Facilitator in Ruiru, Kenya, shares her heart and her faith in this blog. She has found a way into radiant hope. Hey there my name is Joy and I believe I can relate to what you are feeling right now. I am not saying I know how you feel but I can […]

“Too Good to be True News!”