my music

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." - Pablo Picasso 

I have been writing my own songs since I was four years old. I have the original piece of paper, in my messy little girl handwriting, in my "song-writing folder". My parents are singer-songwriters and I have their music along with my brother and sister's music linked below! Our family grew up in the living room with guitars and sing-a-longs. On the front row in church, as a young girl I would  singing along with my parents as they sang their original music for concerts, special music, and community events. I have been singing in church and a music director in churches for over 24 years. My Bachelor's Degree is in, yes the very rare and maybe even unknown, "Church Music." 

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open hands

REmind Myself

jesus loves me


seek you


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john coggins

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Chuck & connie Coggins

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