I could NOT believe my eyes, what was once a beautiful canopy of shade trees, vines, bushes, and ground cover was gone. The shelter of the Majestic Oaks is gone! I ran with my bestie and I kept saying, “Margaret I cannot believe this, this is so sad. It is unrecognizable.” As we ran the […]

Becoming Featured, Priceless Featured, Priceless Whats New, Uncategorized

July 2, 2024

Maybe it’s Tragedy…

June 17, 2024

A tornado hit my little Bartlesville and my beautiful trail where I run was hit. It was closed for weeks! I have run on the section of the Pathfinder starting at the high school trailhead, for years! I know the path like the back of my hand. I am comfortable on my little 3-mile path. Out and […]

Creating New WAYS…

I recently was in Colorado and toured the Argo Mill and Mine. It was fascinating hearing about the mine that was built in the 1800’s, seeing the process, taking in the old structures, and hearing the stories of the people that worked in the mine. The mine was a dangerous place to work and the […]

Becoming Featured

June 12, 2024

When a Marriage Should End…

June 7, 2024

In the West, we often tend to think in straight linear lines. We want problems, 1 + 1= 2, and we want to know the “right” way to solve the problem and then do it. We want our laws, rules, and religion to easily explain all truth and what is right and wrong. We are […]

A picture that changed my life…

You know what? I can be really insecure about writing because I am horrible with phonics! I cannot spell to save my life! One of the scariest things in the world for me is to have to read out loud in front of people or to stand at a whiteboard and spell things. So that […]

Becoming Featured

May 20, 2024

I Can’t Spell…

May 14, 2024

I have a deep desire to have riches. I grew up rockin’ to the Calloway song “I wanna be rich!” And this is America and what we do right- acquire wealth in the land of opportunity. In my old age of 41, I am starting to see some things more clearly. There are only 24 […]

“I Wanna Be Rich..”

I boarded a plane in Tulsa headed to Atlanta and sat next to a lady maybe around my mother’s age. We said hello and I sat down. We didn’t engage in conversation but just settled in for our flight. I noticed after a while her writing on a small piece of paper a list of “Things […]

Becoming Featured

April 21, 2024

The Artist is Still at Work…

April 15, 2024

It was 90 degrees today here in Oklahoma on April 14! The sun was calling us, so my boys and I went to Copan Lake. As they played and wrestled through the water, I sat with my feet in the sand and wrote this thought for you… I like so many others would like a […]

Your Problems Are NOT Special…

I used to not like the worship song “Echo.” I thought it was silly. I think it was the word “Echo” and the techno beat, I just couldn’t get into it.  But then I heard an acoustic version and the words snatched me. “In every season, You keep repeating Promises to me, Now there’s no […]

Becoming Featured, Priceless Whats New

April 3, 2024

I’ve Decided I’m Not Giving Up… 

March 26, 2024

I work full time, I lead a team and worship on Sundays, I lead a program I created, I am a mom of three growing boys, I try to be a good friend and invest myself in relationships, I try to take care of my body through running and exercise, I keep my mind engaged in […]

I Am Often Sad On Mondays…