I started thinking more about King David, there are so many things we love about this iconic figure. I have been encouraged over the years as I contemplate his life and specifically what he did in the “waiting”.David was a young man, a young boy maybe about my son’s age and in his family, he […]
As I ran on our beautiful pathfinder today, I took in the new sights of Spring arriving. The birds’ songs have become loud and vociferous, as blue jays, cardinals, and scissor tails, swoop, and dance from the tree branches. I heard a woodpecker overhead, a fantastic, intriguing sound, that everyone should get the privilege to […]
I ran today after over two months of nursing a sprained ankle. If you read my blog “Own your walk of pain,” it tells the whole story. The temperatures turned this week, and it was glorious outside today. Seventy-One degrees and March 1, 2022, I’ll take it! After not running for two months, uh you […]
Non-Essential…I run on the Pathfinder Bartlesville, Ok amongst the trees, and realized how much I need them, how they serve me and keep me alive. As I pondered all the ways in which our climate, animals, wind, sea, sky, stars, magnetic poles all interact with each other, I was hit with a truth that I […]
I was pondering Yeshua and some of the moments in his life when he stood up against power. I was struck by the story we usually refer to as “the woman caught in adulty.” Normally when we talk about this story, we talk about how church people bring her to Yeshua and ask him, “what […]
I don’t ever feel like I need a vacation nor do I want one! I once heard a talk about how in the USA we are given vacations but in other countries, they go on Holiday or Celebrate Holiday. The word vacation comes from the word vacate. Our posture toward vacation often is to vacate […]