I was faced with my first major life crisis at 20 years old. The kind of crisis “good Christian girls, who followed all the rules” are not supposed to face. It was a moment when your faith is shaken. It is a moment where every solution being presented, “just keep praying,” doesn’t “work.” It is […]
Fall is such a special time when you live in a state where the leaves turn colors. We all anticipate the cool crisp air that makes you want to be outside, huddled around a campfire with friends with apple cider in one hand and a skewer in the other roasting marshmallows. The things that make […]
I had resisted the idea of “A Safe Place” for a long time. I thought it was pretty unreasonable in light of a very dangerous, cruel world. The masses are not safe and life is not going to be safe. As I would hear people advocating for workplaces to be safe and wanting emotional safety, […]
I had just come from singing at a funeral, I was emotionally and mentally exhausted and had some relational drama happening in my life. I called my bestie and said can we go get some comfort food? We went out to eat and she snapped this picture of me at our table. She said, “You […]
I sat in a team meeting Monday morning as we gave updates… One teammate is undergoing chemotherapy and was not feeling well enough to attend. Another teammate had a tumor found on his brain and another needs tests for some heart issues. And yet another with a wife who has been dealing with a chronic […]
In 2016 I moved to Orlando, leaving all the things I loved, my friends, my family, my church, and my new budding program I created for girls, and I tried to trust the PUSH. The push that comes sometimes in life and you don’t totally understand why, the picture isn’t clear, the future is uncertain, […]