I was having a crabby day. Feeling disappointed in life about a few things and knew it was just one of those days, a day to just let myself feel without falling too deep. I decided I needed a run to get my oxytocin pumping. And I needed to share with a few people how […]

Priceless Whats New

December 23, 2021

Run With Your Hair Down

August 14, 2021

Never Alone….I woke up and was fine. After rising and starting my day it did not take long and the tightness in my chest was back. I was walking around my house and would find myself taking deep breaths like I was trying to get more oxygen. I would start to feel my heartbeat accelerating […]

Never Alone

I had never been to Clearwater, Florida before. Many had told me of the powder white sand and “clear” water that I needed to experience, and it was everything they had prepared my expectations for. I sat on the beach watching my boys play and fight, let’s be real!

Becoming Featured

June 15, 2021

America Unmasked & Beautiful