I used to not like the worship song “Echo.” I thought it was silly. I think it was the word “Echo” and the techno beat, I just couldn’t get into it.  But then I heard an acoustic version and the words snatched me. “In every season, You keep repeating Promises to me, Now there’s no […]

Becoming Featured, Priceless Whats New

April 3, 2024

I’ve Decided I’m Not Giving Up… 

March 26, 2024

I work full time, I lead a team and worship on Sundays, I lead a program I created, I am a mom of three growing boys, I try to be a good friend and invest myself in relationships, I try to take care of my body through running and exercise, I keep my mind engaged in […]

I Am Often Sad On Mondays…

I am having a Spring Break garage sale trying to get rid of things because my new home my daddy is building me is almost DONE! We can’t believe it. The fastest build ever! I started setting up the sale on Sunday afternoon and left all my stuff outside overnight. My boys were really worried […]

Becoming Featured

March 19, 2024

I Still Believe in People…

March 11, 2024

I walked up to the lot and new fresh cut lumber was lying there ready to take its form. The scent filled my senses and oh the nostalgia of the smell of wood and sawdust. I grew up watching my dad build houses, and create things from the ground up, using scraps to make shelves, […]

The Daughter of a Builder…

Recently I was at the gym with my bestie and we were doing our usual, chatting, talking, and catching up on all our heart matters as we worked out. Another friend happened to walk in and see us and came by to say hello. I had not seen this friend in a long time, and […]


February 14, 2024

When Love Looks Different…

February 10, 2024

I had just come from singing at a funeral, I was emotionally and mentally exhausted and had some relational drama happening in my life. I called my bestie and said can we go get some comfort food? We went out to eat and she snapped this picture of me at our table. She said, “You […]

Life is so BAD and So GOOD.

I sat in a team meeting Monday morning as we gave updates… One teammate is undergoing chemotherapy and was not feeling well enough to attend. Another teammate had a tumor found on his brain and another needs tests for some heart issues. And yet another with a wife who has been dealing with a chronic […]

Becoming Featured

February 3, 2024

I’m Still Here

November 2, 2023

In 2016 I moved to Orlando, leaving all the things I loved, my friends, my family, my church, and my new budding program I created for girls, and I tried to trust the PUSH. The push that comes sometimes in life and you don’t totally understand why, the picture isn’t clear, the future is uncertain, […]

Be Brave

A few years back a department at my work contacted me because they wanted someone to speak on compassion. They had seen some of my videos and writing and thought I would have an interesting take on the subject. (You can watch the video I did for their virtual meeting on my YouTube channel. It […]

Becoming Featured, Priceless Featured

June 12, 2023

I Need You in the Dirt with Me

June 7, 2023

I was checking out at Lowes last night; it is time to plant my summer garden. It was apparent the young man checking me out had some special needs, his speech was a bit impaired, but he was easily understood and so pleasant and kind. As he scanned my okra, peppers, zucchini, and herbs, he […]

A Simple Question, a Powerful Solution…