Permission to be happy… Several years ago my family moved across the country to Florida, at the time it was a huge step of faith, as Dr. French did not have a job there. We were going to go and “spy out the land” and he was going to keep his counseling practice and job […]

Becoming Featured

November 15, 2022

Permission to be Happy

April 17, 2022

I started thinking more about King David, there are so many things we love about this iconic figure. I have been encouraged over the years as I contemplate his life and specifically what he did in the “waiting”.David was a young man, a young boy maybe about my son’s age and in his family, he […]

When it is Time, it is Time… Continued

As I ran on our beautiful pathfinder today, I took in the new sights of Spring arriving. The birds’ songs have become loud and vociferous, as blue jays, cardinals, and scissor tails, swoop, and dance from the tree branches. I heard a woodpecker overhead, a fantastic, intriguing sound, that everyone should get the privilege to […]

Becoming Featured, Priceless Whats New

April 12, 2022

When it is Time, it is Time

March 2, 2022

I ran today after over two months of nursing a sprained ankle. If you read my blog “Own your walk of pain,” it tells the whole story. The temperatures turned this week, and it was glorious outside today. Seventy-One degrees and March 1, 2022, I’ll take it! After not running for two months, uh you […]

Necessary Pain

Once in a conversation with Dr. French, he said to me “the point of life is to learn how to DIE.” We are all slowly making our way towards death every day. We will either learn how to accept death and die at peace or we will die troubled. As I am learning to die […]

Becoming Featured

January 11, 2022

Death Where is Your Sting?

October 28, 2021

Non-Essential…I run on the Pathfinder Bartlesville, Ok amongst the trees, and realized how much I need them, how they serve me and keep me alive. As I pondered all the ways in which our climate, animals, wind, sea, sky, stars, magnetic poles all interact with each other, I was hit with a truth that I […]


I was pondering Yeshua and some of the moments in his life when he stood up against power. I was struck by the story we usually refer to as “the woman caught in adulty.” Normally when we talk about this story, we talk about how church people bring her to Yeshua and ask him, “what […]

Becoming Featured

October 9, 2021

I Can’t Stop The Rain

June 24, 2021

The flowers on my table had dried up and I decided it was time to throw them away. The next morning, I went for a run and came back to a new bouquet on my table. It had a note from my parents telling me they loved me. I went away for a week to […]


I had never been to Clearwater, Florida before. Many had told me of the powder white sand and “clear” water that I needed to experience, and it was everything they had prepared my expectations for. I sat on the beach watching my boys play and fight, let’s be real!

Becoming Featured

June 15, 2021

America Unmasked & Beautiful

May 28, 2021

I was numb, crying, thinking of my boys and how broken hearted they would be about this news. Their little precious souls are too young to have to face this cold, harsh, part of life. Can I protect them from this for a little while longer? From the sting that life can give unexpectedly and […]

She said, “Have a Nice Day”