Once in a conversation with Dr. French, he said to me “the point of life is to learn how to DIE.” We are all slowly making our way towards death every day. We will either learn how to accept death and die at peace or we will die troubled. As I am learning to die […]

Becoming Featured

January 11, 2022

Death Where is Your Sting?

October 28, 2021

Non-Essential…I run on the Pathfinder Bartlesville, Ok amongst the trees, and realized how much I need them, how they serve me and keep me alive. As I pondered all the ways in which our climate, animals, wind, sea, sky, stars, magnetic poles all interact with each other, I was hit with a truth that I […]


I was pondering Yeshua and some of the moments in his life when he stood up against power. I was struck by the story we usually refer to as “the woman caught in adulty.” Normally when we talk about this story, we talk about how church people bring her to Yeshua and ask him, “what […]

Becoming Featured

October 9, 2021

I Can’t Stop The Rain

August 27, 2021

I don’t ever feel like I need a vacation nor do I want one! I once heard a talk about how in the USA we are given vacations but in other countries, they go on Holiday or Celebrate Holiday. The word vacation comes from the word vacate. Our posture toward vacation often is to vacate […]

I Don’t Want Vacation

Never Alone….I woke up and was fine. After rising and starting my day it did not take long and the tightness in my chest was back. I was walking around my house and would find myself taking deep breaths like I was trying to get more oxygen. I would start to feel my heartbeat accelerating […]

Becoming Featured, Priceless Whats New

August 14, 2021

Never Alone

August 23, 2020

The journey from childhood to womanhood is nothing like I expected. Honestly, most of the time, I find it hard to believe I am an adult. I feel like a little girl that has three little boys that call her mom and we play “house” every day. Except this kind of playing “house” doesn’t look […]

Take Those Clothes Off