A tornado hit my little Bartlesville and my beautiful trail where I run was hit. It was closed for weeks! I have run on the section of the Pathfinder starting at the high school trailhead, for years! I know the path like the back of my hand. I am comfortable on my little 3-mile path. Out and […]

Becoming Featured

June 17, 2024

Creating New WAYS…

June 7, 2024

In the West, we often tend to think in straight linear lines. We want problems, 1 + 1= 2, and we want to know the “right” way to solve the problem and then do it. We want our laws, rules, and religion to easily explain all truth and what is right and wrong. We are […]

A picture that changed my life…

I had never been to Clearwater, Florida before. Many had told me of the powder white sand and “clear” water that I needed to experience, and it was everything they had prepared my expectations for. I sat on the beach watching my boys play and fight, let’s be real!

Becoming Featured

June 15, 2021

America Unmasked & Beautiful

January 2, 2021

2020 has been a difficult year – for all of us. I went through another difficult year. For me, it was my most difficult year ever. For many 2020 has been a year of devastation, for me, my devastation came a few years previous.  It was the kind of experience that might be described as ashes. […]

Mental Rehabilitation