The church has done a disservice to our mothers. We have not taught them about the transformational power of motherhood. With binary thinking moms have been guilted into thinking that only certain practices “count” as spiritual or what many like to call “their devotions”.
Many find themselves stuck in the trap of feeling that they are never doing enough. I haven’t read my bible enough, prayed enough, blah blah blah. Yet the woman sings songs out of her spirit as she rocks her baby, says nighttime prayers with her littles as she tucks them in bed, and serves tirelessly for her family, either from the home or the workplace coordinating all aspects of life.
There is an emptying that happens, a selflessness that becomes normal, a “servant-of-all heart” evolution, and maybe just maybe the process of motherhood is actually a spiritually transformational experience, that molds us into more Christ-like creatures. And this is the point right?
The prayers, the Bible readings, the spiritual practices, what are they for if not to change us, transform us and make us? Here is a quote I think from John Ortberg’s book “The life you always wanted”
“Our season of life, whatever it is, is no barrier to having Christ Formed in us. Not in the least. Whatever our season of life, it offers it own opportunities and challenges for spiritual growth. Instead of wishing we were in another season, we ought to find out what this one offers. Life counts… all of it. Every moment is potentially an opportunity to be guided by God into his way of living. Every moment is a chance to learn how to live in the kingdom of God.”
It all counts my dear, all of it!
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